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Come Fill Your Cup

What we don't need in the midst of struggle, is shame for being


-Brené Brown-


My name is Leanna. When I'm not studying and working, I spend my time with family and friends.


I enjoy talking and socializing, meeting new people, sharing tasty foods over conversation, and dancing like a fool for the fun of it. My love for dogs is outrageous and I cannot resist meeting any puppy that crosses my path.


It isn't often that you will find me without a big smile and engaging in loud conversation that involves talking with my hands. I am a sucker for baking, and wanting to pinch babies cheeks like my Italian aunties. I love sleeping in, and the feeling that sitting in nature brings.


I am pretty quirky and encourage everyone to be authentic in their quirky too! Random acts of kindness, and cheering cashiers up,  puts a spring in my step, almost as much as stimulating conversation about the wonders of the world and humanity.


Connection with anyone is my jam, because I find everyone's journey so unique and admirable. This is definitely one of the reasons I just had to become a counsellor ...  

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"In a world of algorithms hashtags and followers, know the true importance of human connection"

 - How I Can Help

 to Fill Your Cup -

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Looking for a place where you are listened to and accepted? Where you can grow and learn? Come Fill Your Cup With Leanna!
Prices Vary
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